Wahinkto Lodge #199
2024 Lodge Chief
Santiago G.
Santiago is an Eagle Scout from Troop 255 in Del Rio. Outside of Scouting, Santiago is a freshman at Angelo State University. In his Scouting career, he has held the positions of Chaplain’s Aide, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader. Santiago has been in the Order of the Arrow since 2018 and is a Brotherhood Member.
2024 Lodge Vice Chief – Admin
Lyla B.
Lyla is an Eagle Scout and San Angelo native. She thrives in leadership roles, having been both ASPL and SPL of Troop 42. Currently she is the president of VentureCrew Nine-Nine and serving in her second year as Vice Chief of Administration for Wahinkto Lodge. Lyla is passionate about leadership and service. She jumps into the opportunities the Lodge provides. She has been the Elangomat for every girl completing their Ordeal for the last two years in our Lodge. Lyla’s commitment to leadership was shown while attending NYLT and earning the Most Enthusiastic Leader award. Her commitment to service was further honored by receiving the 2023 Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award for the Texas Southwest Council. Lyla also excels at school. She plays the violin and is a Rising Star at Central High School.
2024 Lodge Secretary
Aurora L.
2024 Lodge Vigil Chief
Madison S.
Madison is an Eagle Scout from Troop 42 in San Angelo and is currently a member of Crew 332. Outside of Scouting, Madison is a Senior at Christoval High School. In her free time, Madison enjoys hiking, camping, backpacking, and sailing. In the Order of the Arrow, Madison is a Brotherhood Member. Madison Previously served as the 2022 Lodge Chief and the 2023 Vice Chief of Programs.
Lodge Adviser
Don Dunbar
Don Dunbar has a wide range of experience in the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow, where he has served in multiple leadership and advisory roles to benefit Scouting in Texas, the United States, and the World.
In the Order of the Arrow, Don was inducted into Tatanka Lodge in 1971, became a Brotherhood member in 1973, and received his Vigil Honor from Colonneh Lodge in 2000. In Colonneh Lodge, Don served as the Assistant Lodge Adviser for Inductions and Service for over 18 years, and was asked to serve Section G-2 as the training and service chair for multiple section conclaves. Don served on ArrowCorps 5 and Summit Corps. In 2005, Don received the Founders Award.
In 2000, Don was presented the St. George Award by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and in 2001, Don was awarded the Silver Beaver by the Sam Houston Area Council. Wahinkto Lodge is honored to have Don lead our team of Advisers.
Lodge Associate Adviser – Admin
Kevin Franke
Kevin Franke is an active Scouter across Texas and the United States, enabling thousands of Scouts to experience quality programs and grow in their fondness for Scouting. Kevin is a 2018 Eagle Scout from Troop 363 in San Angelo, where he served in multiple leadership roles as a youth.
In the Order of the Arrow, Kevin was inducted into Wahinkto Lodge in 2015 and received his Brotherhood in 2017. In 2023, Kevin was honored by Wahinkto Lodge with the Vigil Honor. Kevin served twice as Lodge Secretary as well as the 2018 Lodge Chief. Additionally, Kevin served in Leadership Roles in Section G-2, with the most notable being the Vice Chief of Administration for the 2019 Section Leadership Conference. Kevin is also an adviser for the National Communications Committee of the Order of the Arrow, a Subcommittee of the National Order of the Arrow Committee.
In 2021, Kevin served as an Assistant Program Director for the Inaugural Summer Camp for Camp Strake in the Sam Houston Area Council. In 2022, Kevin served as the Camp Commissioner for Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp. Last year, Kevin served as the Program Director for Camp Ross at Goshen Scout Reservation in the National Capital Area Council. Kevin currently serves as a member of the National Camp Accreditation Team for Council Service Territory 7, helping to ensure that camps across Texas and Louisiana provide quality and safe programs for Scouts. Additionally, Kevin is the Camp Director for the annual Winter Camp at Camp Sol Mayer.
Lodge Associate Adviser – Program
Bill Houston
Lodge Associate Adviser – Program
Dave Mulvey
Dave Mulvey is an active Scouter in the Texas Southwest Council, serving in multiple District and Council level positions. Dave enjoys working with youth in the program, frequently teaching the Radio or Space Exploration Merit Badges.
In the Order of the Arrow, Dave was inducted and received his Brotherhood and Vigil Honor through Mikinakawa Lodge in the Circle Ten Council. There, Dave served in multiple youth leadership positions and advisory positions before moving to San Angelo.
Dave’s passion for the Order of the Arrow and Scouting is evident in the numerous positions that he serves in at the District and Council Levels.